


Main Features

Distributed network traffic monitor

Display real time network traffic speed for each computer in network.

Display all active network application on any computer in network.

Display all sessions and listening ports for any active network application on any computer.

Display application properties and loaded modules.

Support "Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)", can monitor network usage of ICS clients without install agent on those client.

Can monitor NETBIOS file transfer, which is local network shared file copying.

Use "WHOIS" service to get detail information on remote IP address and domain names.

Desktop based firewall on all computers

Integrated system firewall and application firewall.

Support rules on applications, IP address/port number, DNS names, protocol type, and even HTTP URL.

Rule-Exception mode rule structure for easier setup and understand rule relations.

Support rule schedule, can specify the effect time range for each firewall rule.

Fast firewall engine which can handle thousands of rules.

Drop invalid network packets.

Detect and block port scan, SYN flood, DOS attack.

Stealth mode to hide your computer from hacker.

Support importing spyware rules from BlueTack or Sponge which are excellent anti-spyware rule list

Limit network speed on all computers

Limit data transfer speed for each computer on network, and further each application, remote IP address and connection.

Support speed limit rules on applications, IP address/port number, DNS names, protocol type, and even HTTP URL.

Support rule schedule, can specify the effect time range for each speed limit rule.

Unique "throttle priority" feature enable you giving critical application or remote site more bandwidth.

Log and analyze network traffic
Log each session, include start/stop time, application, remote address/port, total transferred bytes and average speed.

Generate network traffic statistics report, display period network usage for each application and each remote IP.

Compact log information storage, to save disk space.

Support archive on the fly, to archive log files from remote agents, saved in .ZIP format.

Load archived log files without uncompressing the archive.

Support exporting log information into text format.


